A New Direction

My life is a taking major, life altering turn. Just when I felt settled into a comfortable groove that would take me to the end of my mortal days, God is shaking things up and asking for a leap of faith. For a lot of people, that means a major health crisis. Not me. No, this is a physical relocation. After 25 years in one house, my husband and I are moving to another state. Not only that, but to a state where we have zero personal connections—no friends or relations. This is a move from a major metropolitan area to a small town in rural America. There is no Costco where we are going, and no big chain grocery stores.

We’ve stepped out in faith and moved in the past, but always before we had children with us and a job under us. This time it’s just me and my about to retire husband, plus God. I’m so distracted by this that I forgot to put the beans in last night’s chili. I thought it tasted strange, but it took me four hours to realize what I’d done wrong.

Abraham Leads the Way

With this roller coaster of abrupt change in speed and direction, the Bible patriarch Abraham came to mind. Genesis, chapter 12, tells the story. “The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’” In the light of my new challenge, I see the story differently. He must have had some of the same thoughts and feelings we are experiencing. How will I know this is the place God intended me to go? Really? This is it? Will I find all the things I need to continue life as I’ve always known it? What if God doesn’t want my life to continue in the same comfortable groove? What do I take with me and what do I leave behind?

Not Young

Abram and Sarai were not young either. They didn’t have children with them. They left everybody behind (except Lot and a few dozen servants) to travel to an unknown place. Abram did not have the advantage of a scouting mission to check out the lay of the land. He had no idea where he was going. Abram couldn’t hire a mover to pack up his stuff and move it for him. He lacked most of the advantages I have. Yet still, in the face of many doubts and worries, Abram believed God asked him to go. He went in faith and trust.

Blessings in Obedience

How is God asking you to step out in faith and trust? Won’t you join me on this new adventure into the unknown? God precedes us and prepares the way for us with an outstretched hand of blessing. Blessings like a vacant lot to build a house. The lot has city water and sewers, but also backs onto federally owned wilderness and a view of the mountains. Blessings like a chance encounter with a stranger that led to an unsolicited offer of a house to rent while we build the new one. It’s exciting to go on a new adventure with God leading the way. It’s a little scary, too. But I have a long history with our Savior. I know he’s got his hand on this even though I have doubts and fears.

Let me hear from you. I’d love to know about your own experiences in trusting God. How has God caught you when you’ve taken a leap of faith?