Marguerite de Angeli won the Newbury Award for, The Door In The Wall, in 1950. The unlikely hero of this adventurous book is ten year old Robin, the privileged son of a knight and lady. Both parents away in service to the king and queen. Servants are left to care for Robin, who is an entitled and impatient boy, accustomed to having his own way.


Plague sweeps through the town. Everyone who is able runs away. Many people are stricken, including the servants who were supposed to care for Robin. He is left alone, sick, and helpless. His polio like disease cripples him. How can he become a great knight like his father if he can’t even walk? How can he make his father proud of him?


A traveling monk, Brother Luke, discovers Robin, tends him in his illness, and carries him to the monastery, which, in the Middle Ages, served as a hospital. As Robin grows stronger, Brother Luke puts him to work carving wood, until he is able to carve crutches and a small harp. In the process, Robin develops muscles, patience, a love of learning, and joy in helping others.


Brother Luke receives instructions to convey Robin to a knight’s castle. It had been arranged before his illness that Robin would serve as a page in that knight’s household, the normal start in a knight’s training. Even though he is unable to carry out the usual page’s duties, Robin learns to serve in spite of his disability. When the castle is under siege, Robin’s courage saves the castle.


Everyone, young and old, hits obstacles and detours in life. A straight road to any goal is rare. The Door in the Wall encourages all ages. Timeless, the book is still in print and includes the author’s illustrations.

Many of Marguerite de Angeli’s other books are available in libraries and bookstores. Each of her stories provides character building lessons elementary age children enjoy reading. The stories are entertaining, not preachy. Try reading one aloud with your family.

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